Case Study: Building a Heart-Healthy Website for Mangalore Heart Scan Foundation

This case study explores the web development project undertaken for Mangalore Heart Scan Foundation (MHF), a charitable organization dedicated to promoting heart health awareness and facilitating affordable heart scans in the Mangalore region. Our goal was to create a user-friendly and informative website that would effectively communicate MHF's mission and services to a wider audience.

Client Background

MHSF is a well-respected foundation with a long-standing commitment to serving the community. They previously had a limited online presence with a website lacking functionality and outdated information. Recognizing the potential of the internet to reach a broader audience and enhance outreach efforts, MHF approached us to develop a new, comprehensive website.

Project Challenges

  • Limited Functionality: The existing website offered minimal functionality, hindering user engagement.
  • Outdated Information: The website lacked crucial information about MHF's services, schedules, and impact.
  • Unresponsive Design: The website wasn't optimized for mobile devices, limiting accessibility for a significant portion of users.
  • Need for Multilingual Support: MHF caters to a diverse population, and the website needed to be accessible in both English and Kannada.

Web Development Strategy

To address these challenges, we implemented a comprehensive web development strategy:

  • Information Architecture & Content Creation: We developed a user-friendly information architecture to organize website content effectively. Fresh, informative content was created to clearly communicate MHF's mission, services offered (types of heart scans, eligibility criteria, costs), success stories, and upcoming events. Content was created in both English and Kannada to ensure inclusivity.
  • Engaging Design & User Interface: A visually appealing and user-friendly website design was created, prioritizing a clean layout and easy navigation. The website was optimized for mobile devices to ensure accessibility across all platforms.
  • Interactive Features: Interactive features were incorporated to enhance user engagement. This potentially included a symptom checker, appointment booking form, and a secure donation portal.
  • Multilingual Support: The website was developed with the ability to seamlessly switch between English and Kannada languages, catering to the diverse audience in the Mangalore region.


The newly developed website for MHF yielded significant improvements in user experience and outreach:

  • Enhanced User Experience: The user-friendly interface and clear information architecture improved user experience, leading to increased website engagement.
  • Improved Accessibility: Mobile responsiveness and multilingual support ensured accessibility for a wider audience in the Mangalore region.
  • Increased Awareness: The informative website content effectively communicated MHF's mission and services, leading to a rise in public awareness about heart health and the foundation's initiatives.
  • Streamlined Communication: Interactive features like appointment forms and a donation portal streamlined communication with potential patients and donors.


The web development project for Mangalore Heart Scan Foundation resulted in a user-friendly and informative website that effectively serves its purpose. By addressing key challenges and implementing a comprehensive strategy, the new website empowered MHF to reach a wider audience, raise awareness about heart health, and potentially streamline service access and fundraising efforts. This case study demonstrates the positive impact a well-designed website can have on a non-profit organization's outreach and impact.

Project information